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Advanced Optical Microscopy for Biomedical Research

Dr Alex Corbett
Software and Tools
PSFcheck slides are fluorescent calibration slides used to quantify microscope imaging performance The slides contain 2D and 3D patterns embedded in a polymer substrate.
Over 150 slides have been sold worldwide
You can find out more about them at

PyCalibrate enables fully automated analysis of point spread functions from 3D images of PSFcheck fluorescent features or sub-resolution fluorescent beads. No more manual entry of imaging parameters - PyCalibrate uses the image metadata to obtain these for you. PyCalibrate uses BioFormats, so any file type that can be read by BioFormats can be read by PyCalibrate.
PyCalibrate is free to use and can be accessed via this link. The pages include a short guide and introductory video. An example of the report provided by PyCalibrate is shown below.

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