Selected publications
Selected publications
Selected publications
For a full list of publications please see my profile on Google Scholar
Selected publications
(reverse chronological order)
Mohanan, S. & Corbett, A. D. "Sensitivity of remote focusing microscopes to magnification mismatch." J. Microsc., 12991 (2021).
Ashraf, M. et al. "Random access parallel microscopy." eLife 10, e56426 (2021).
Gintoli, M. et al. "Spinning disk-remote focusing microscopy." Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 2874 (2020).
Corbett, A. D. et al. "Microscope calibration using laser written fluorescence." Opt. Express 26, 21887 (2018).
Burton, R. A. B. et al. "Optical control of excitation waves in cardiac tissue." Nat Photon 9, 813–816 (2015).
Corbett, A. D. et al. "Quantifying distortions in two-photon remote focussing microscope images using a volumetric calibration specimen." Front. Physiol. 5, 384 (2014).
Botcherby, E. J. et al. "Fast measurement of sarcomere length and cell orientation in Langendorff-perfused hearts using remote focusing microscopy." Circ. Res. 113, 863–870 (2013).