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Advanced Optical Microscopy for Biomedical Research

Dr Alex Corbett

MOTIVATION: Biological events happen over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The central goal of this lab is to apply recent advances in photonic technologies, imaging hardware and computational processing power to solve specific problems in biomedical imaging.

50 um
Diagram: A key research challenge is to quickly capture three dimensional microscopic image data. The spinning-disk remote focusing microscope developed within Corbett Lab (above) is just one of many ways this can be achieved.
Video: Spontaneous contractions of a 3 day old sea worm larvae (Platynereis Dumerilii). Observed using a custom built spinning-disk remote focusing microscope (see diagram). Calcium waves observed fluorescently via genetically expressed GCaMP
Live imaging: Corbett Lab during data acquisition

SPONSORS: Corbett Lab is very grateful to the research councils, learned societies, charities and companies that have supported, and continue to support, this research.

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